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Joshua D Jones


U.S. Army


BAGHDAD, IRAQ 08/27/2006

From Josh’s Mom:

“Joshua was my first born. The oldest of five children – 4 boys one girl. He was the protector from the start. He was always the sensible and level headed one. He was a joy to have around always.

Things that he always loved very much, was music, singing, radio controlled cars(very fast ones) and mustangs. He planned on buying a new one when he came home.

Then of course his family was his first love and concern. He and his wife were very much in love. They had a 2 yr old and were expecting a new one when he was killed. He was not able to see the birth of his second baby girl. (He was actually at boot camp when his first daughter was born, but I stood in for him that time.) He loved his daughter very much. I miss him very much and although it has been a little over 2 years, it is still very hard for me. He was killed Aug.27th, 2006. and was due to finish his tour that Nov.

He was the only one in his unit that was hurt or killed that day. A routine Hummer patrol, stopped for fuel, and he bent down in a way that the bullet of a cowardly sniper could make it inside his helmet. He died instantly. It is very hard to deal with the loss of a child.

But one thing that has made me strong through it that he left me 2 beautiful granddaughters and the fact that he believed in what he was doing 100%. He always told me he missed his family very much but would rather be fighting them over there than fighting them over here at home. He wanted his family and country safe.

He also had just been promoted to Corporal just before he was killed. Corporal Joshua D.Jones . Well I hope this is enough information for you. I also hope the pictures work for you. If not let me know I will try to get some others together in the meantime. Thank you again Michael for a wonderful Blessing.


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