Oceanside, California, US
United States Marine Corps
CPL, Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center
Virginia Beach, US, 01/02/2006
Justin Lee Huff, 23, of Oceanside, CA, passed away January 2, 2006. He was born May 5, 1982 in Indianapolis, IN to Blaine and Theresa (Thurman) Huff. Justin was a graduate of Carmel High School in 2001. He was a Corporal in the U. S. Marine Corps and served two tours in Iraq.
Rebecca Huff, 26, who was three months pregnant when her husband, Marine CPL Justin Huff died, has two angels inked on her right calf; one of the angels, a male, comforts the other, a female cradling a child.
She had met her husband, Marine Corporal Justin Huff, at a barbecue in March 2005, and they married that August. He died the next January, in Virginia Beach where he was a student at the Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center.
Justin Huff was murdered by a fellow student because he was mistakenly believed by the student to be the man who raped a young woman. These rape allegations turned out later to also be false.
Because of Huff’s unique story, other war widows don’t always connect with Rebecca so she found herself isolated. But Taryn Davis, another war widow who founded a group called the American Widows project, found Rebecca on MySpace, and sent her a message telling her about the project.
“She’d call me every day,” Huff said.
Huff drove 12 hours from her home near the Oregon border to be with the other women in a gathering of the group .While the other women surfed, Huff sat on the beach, just wanting to enjoy the water. Nearby, a woman watched a little boy digging a hole in the sand; a young couple played in the waves.
In addition to his parents Justin is survived by his wife, Rebecca Huff; sisters, Kelly Adamson and Erin Huff; grandfather, Doug Thurman and several cousins.